Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Skyping Your Heart Out

What you have just feasted your eyes upon is virtual love in its most raw, beautiful and extremely complicated form. In order for the crooning of this classic love ballad to take place Franz had to travel on foot through the icy Austrian streets to his local school house at 4 am, log onto Skype and await the response to his call from his one true love, MR Wyatt. This is creepy enough. But it gets better, MR Wyatt luckily has every form of modern entertainment/communication device known to man and was able to clandestinely film the entire performance as it streamed through the skype internet lines to her macbook via her blackberry storm. She then emailed this file to my blackberry world edition and I was able to post it via blog for your viewing pleasure.

Sheeesh! I pine for the days when proclaimations of love were made by throwing stones at your sweethearts bedroom window to awaken her so that you could bring the glad tidings of l'amore. Things have gotten complicated. Even I am twittering, gchatting, black berry messaging and emailing while blogging this.

But in less than 10 days time, we will break free from the vice hold technology has on us and come face to face with the organic, living, breathing Franz.

Franz is truly a stand out American. One of the great thinkers of our generation, Franz departed to serve the global culture of intellectual thought for these long icy wintery months by imparting his boundless knowledge upon the future of Austria. And upon the supple minds of the children of Waidhofen an der Ybbs in particular. But his tour of duty is coming to a close and he is returning to his adoring fan base in Washington next Friday evening. Everyone is so delighted by this prospect, it outshines Christmas and our birthdays combined... and almost outshines the release of Twilight the movie. Almost. I am wholeheartedly confident that he will tease us, unease us all the better just to please us.

I know all of you out there not lucky enough to be in DC are green with envy that you wont be spending the weekend with this stone cold fox. I'll be sure to blog about the finer moments of his visit. But that still wont be the same as being here. In the words of Franz...


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