Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sheer anticipation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u93nwrqgadxjgkh

Is that how the saying goes? If so, then i love big dumps. (I believe MRW owns this classic Vail, CO tee in which I borrow the saying.)

To brief our non-lex followers, Edamame and I will be returning to our highly anticipated spring alumni weekend on Friday. As previously noted, there are few acceptable schedule conflicts that prevent this natural return to the motherland and weekend of unsubdued rage. And however important your excuse for not showing, a congregation among the greatest thinkers (and drinkers) of our time can be justified. (For instance, LA attending the Costume Institute Ball with the hopes of mingling with Brangelina = slightly acceptable.)

However it seemed to hit me last night that I no longer have a solid foundation of the fashionable standard at this fine institution. Since that dreaded day of June 5, 2008, I have traded in my rainbows for heels, spring cotton bubble dresses for leggings, and pearls for big jewelry and dare I say plaid shirts? Okay I'm really not this trendy but just go with it. Anyhow, the idea of regressing back to this standard seems confusing at best. What is acceptable on the runway that is windfall, traveller express, and sparks-thrashing dance parties? I feel the sudden urge to hit bergdorfs and enter the mindset of a 20 year old where my only concern in the world was starting an email chain to coordinate the event of tubing down a river. (This is in fact more complicated organization than you might predict-- think getting tubes at gas station, delegating rides, splitting beer hounding efforts, getting jdunn's waterproof ihome, and somehow starting at the same time on river as boys while consequently guesstimating margarita meeting at Donny T's for non-tubers who had sucky spring term afternoon class.) Whooo that was a mouthful. End point-- college was hard. Real world harder. And let's face it, I'm already not playing with a full deck of cards. When does it get easy?

Anyhow--I leave these fashion nuances to resident expert, EdaMAMA. Turning this one over to you miss repulsed-by-$600-gladiator sandals...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Ok, enough is enough. I can only be shy and retiring for so long. My internship is drawing to a close, I have A LOT to say about that and also I forecast extreme boredom and sudden outbursts of terror about my undecided future to ail me over the coming days. Expect constant blogging.

As they say, blogs are like snowflakes. pray for a blizzard.