Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Tomorrows Issues managed to discriminate against nearly every sect of humanity. And to call Osama Bin Ladden "Bin" for short in the process. Oh and make a noted effort to avoid charity work.

Spice, people are going to get the wrong idea.

Also, why are so many soup companies launching attack ad's lately? Who knew soup companies could be so feisty... such puree premadonas, such bisque badasses, such minestrone meisers. Seriously, just mention MSG and you're sure to launch a lively debate about V8 vs. progresso...

....bouillabaise bitches... sorry had to.

Secondly I would like to say that I am honestly proud to be a kappa today. Any one who has seen Emily Allender's facebook pictures of my fellow sisters of they key on skit night '09 will understand. Women so realistically sporting facial hair is truely the greatest tribute to the blue and blue since.... the Rancor porch. I am legitimately honored. <<:*%$ (that is how i imagine you would do that sweet kappa hand shake via blog)

Ok, not living in the past......vindictive vichyssoise...EEEK i cant help it!

Thirdly, if you are bored at work:

that second one seriously may make you cry though. ahh...the joys of sisterhood. (prevailing themes of this entry: GIRLS!!... love ya lauren claire gunn... and soup puns)


Ok to wind this up on a note of openmindedness and to show that we are not writing a blog about rejecting world culture, which we are not, I would like to say its almost fridayyyyyyyy and I am personally very excited about this supersized weekend of change. DC is going to be so much cooler than wherever you are for the next five days woooop wooooooooooop. and the next four years. and i mean, really, would any one have truely wanted to stay out all night (bars and restaurants are staying open... change in its most accessable, tangible and positively delightful form) if we were swearing in monsieur mccain? i mean, love him, wish he was my grandfather, but does not inspire me to stay up much past 9.

ok one more for good luck....consomme crapbags.


*only downside, we dont know any adult democrats to invite us to important parties. shit.

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